Life Drawings

Throughout this year so far, and previous sketchbooks, I have been looking in to simplistic styled life drawings in order to help my creative flow as well as exploring what flaws people believe that they have. Instead of hiding these flaws and insecurities, I however wanted to celebrate them in my drawings as well as my photographs on body image. I have been using watercolours, ink and pen- recently playing around with colour to see if I can bring a bit more life in to my work.

Seeing as I have been doing a lot of messy, line drawing styled life drawing I thought that I would merge my drawings with my photographs. Therefore I printed some of my body image photographs as well as hand photographs, varying the two body image insecurities between black and white and coloured edits. I wanted both black and white as well as coloured so that I could compare the outcomes. With these photographs I used white pen to outline the body parts photographed; using the same style as I have previously with my life drawings. I also used a tool to scratch into my photos to make them look a bit more rough. I also liked the idea of ripping under the photos- or peeling/ripping apart the insecurities.

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